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Lol! Twitter user who is a first born narrates how his parents have mellowed down and are supporting his younger sister's creative writing dreams

Lol! Twitter user who is a first born narrates how his parents have mellowed down and are supporting his younger sister
Everyone knows that firstborns in African homes do not usually have it easy. A Twitter user took to his page to narrate how his parents are wholeheartedly supporting his sister's dreams to study Creative writing but the case was different during his time. Read his tweets below...
Lol! Twitter user who is a first born narrates how his parents have mellowed down and are supporting his younger sister
Lol! Twitter user who is a first born narrates how his parents have mellowed down and are supporting his younger sister
Lol! Twitter user who is a first born narrates how his parents have mellowed down and are supporting his younger sister's creative writing dreams Lol! Twitter user who is a first born narrates how his parents have mellowed down and are supporting his younger sister's creative writing dreams Reviewed by Unknown on February 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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