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'Your privilege and fathers' name got you through to exactly where you are, cut the bullshit' - Shade Ladipo slams Paddy Adenuga

TV Girl, Shade Ladipo took to twitter this morning to rant against Paddy Adenuga over his article which detailed how he attempted to buy Chevron's Oil and Gas company in Netherlands at 29, without help from his billionaire father. Shade thinks he needs to take  'several seats' as it all reeks of privilege and not hard work. See more tweets below...

'Your privilege and fathers' name got you through to exactly where you are, cut the bullshit' - Shade Ladipo slams Paddy Adenuga 'Your privilege and fathers' name got you through to exactly where you are, cut the bullshit' - Shade Ladipo slams Paddy Adenuga Reviewed by Unknown on February 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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